Just Breathe

Did you know that we are the only species capable of consciously controlling our breath?But how many of us are actually even conscious of our breath everyday? 
And what benefit is this ability to us? 

BKS Lyengar answered this question best by saying:
“the mind is the king of the senses, but the breath is the king of the mind.” 

All other species have an automatic breath response to situations that arise throughout  their daily lives. For example, when prey is being chased by a predator, the “fight-or-flight” response is activated and the breath automatically becomes shallow and rapid. This breath response causes the heart rate to increase, pumping more blood to the muscles to prepare them for action. 

But what happens when we live in a society that perpetuates a continued state of stress and anxiety? ​While stress is actually good for our body in small daily doses, many of us are living in a constant state of stress from environmental factors, work demands, and many other everyday life matters. 
Unlike the prey who returns to a normal state of breathing and being after fleeing its predator, as humans, many of us hold onto these stresses mentally, keeping us in a constant pattern of shallow breathing, overworked bodies, and overactive minds. 
This continued anxiety, eventually leaves us feeling burnt out and edge.

If we actually were aware of this pattern, and made a small effort each day to consciously shift away from it, we could return to a state of presence, peace, and experience an overall improved quality of life.

All of that… just by breathing! 

So why not start now?

Check out the video below for guidance through an easy breath technique that you can include in your everyday life to calm the mind, body, and spirit.
Three Part Breath – Dirgha Pranayama 

Benefits of the breath technique:
· Calms the autonomic nervous system by kick-starting the parasympathetic nervous system bringing us into a more relaxed state.
· improves cardiovascular and lung function
· Clears and eases the mind
· Reduces stress/anxiety
· Helps to lower heart-rate, strengthen the diaphragm, facilitate digestion and release tension in the body.
· Increases chi/prana/energy flow in the body to help remove any blockages or stagnation.

How often should you incorporate three-part breath?
I suggest using this technique at least once a day everyday for 5-10 minutes.  
If you can find time to do it 2-3 times a day, even better! 

As you start to utilize this technique, take not each day of how you feel and what shifts start taking place in your mind, body, and spirit.
Sending you all thoughts of peace and wellness.

If you are looking for some extra ways to improve your overall health in this time, we are currently offering online herbal consults. Please reach out to us with any questions or if you would like to schedule a consult. 

With Gratitude,
The Harmonizing Healthcare team!