Journey to Energetic Wellness

“When all your energies are brought into harmony, your body flourishes.
And when your body flourishes, your soul has a soil in which it can blossom
in the world. These are the ultimate reasons for energy medicine –
​to prepare the soil and nurture the blossom.”
​~ Donna Eden ~

Many of you have, at one point or another, been lead to believe that the body has a tendency to malfunction, that sickness and symptoms are to be feared, and that we have no control over our own health and vitality. 

Well, I’m here to tell you otherwise. 

You are in control when it comes to your health and wellness. 
It all starts with awareness of how the body works, regaining confidence in your body’s innate ability to heal, and understanding what really causes illness and dis-ease.  

Repeat after me:
”I am not afraid of my own body.” 
“The power to heal is within me.”
”My body is extremely intelligent and will always do what it thinks is best for me to survive and thrive.”

How did you feel reading that? 
Did it resonate and feel right to you, or did it feel strange and uncomfortable to say? 
If it felt strange, ask yourself why? What has made you believe that your body is an unsafe place?

In this month’s newsletter our goal is to provide you with a better understanding of the importance of energetic wellness on your road to overall health. We will also be talking about some of the new and exciting services we are offering that can help you regain confidence in the intelligent design of your body. 
To start, check out the video below that explains the SpectraVision™ advanced biofeedback technology that we are excited to share with you. We have a newer version of this technology (SpectraVision 2), but nonetheless this video gives a great explanation of what it is, what it does, and how it can help you.

The Power of Your Mind

When broken down into your smallest parts, the tiny puzzle pieces that make up all the gloriousness that you are, you are essentially a big, intelligent bundle of vibrating atoms, cells, and molecules. All these parts vibrating at just the right frequency to hold you together and maintain your health within your magnificent and harmonious symphony of a body. 

​But what happens when one cell, molecule, or organ, starts to vibrate out of tune or out of sync with the rest of your internal orchestra? 
What factors can cause your little players to get off kilter? 
And what needs to happen to reestablish harmony when these parts of your whole get thrown off balance?

These are some of the questions that energetic wellness aims to explore and address.

Lets answer those questions from the beginning with a little exercise:

Take a moment to relax, take some deep breaths, notice any tension you are feeling you are body, and with every breath work to release that tension within. 

Once you are feeling more relaxed, take note of how that feels in your body. 

Now, think back to a recent experience where someone or something made you angry or upset. 
Picture where you were at the time and who was around you. 
If it was a person specifically, imagine their face and what they were saying to you in the moment. 
Relive it as best you can in your mind.  
Now that you have revisited the moment, take a second to notice how your body feels now. 
Is your breath shallower or are you holding your breath? 
Has your heart rate changed? 
What thoughts are arising in your mind? 
Do you feel any tension, tightness, heaviness, or heat in your body? If so, where do you feel it?
What about your fingers and toes, did they warmer or colder than they were before?  

Now return back to the present. Deepen your breath and find ease in the body and mind once more. 

If you found it hard to recall a moment like that, here’s another exercise:

Imagine you are in your kitchen and you grab a yellow, perfectly ripe lemon and place it on a cutting board.
You take a knife and cut the lemon in half, then take one half and cut it in half again.
The tart juice coats the knife and runs onto the cutting board.
You then pick up a slice, put it up to your mouth and bite into it. 

Did you feel the pull on your cheeks, reminiscent of sour flavors?
Did your mouth start salivating as you thought of biting into this sour, acidic fruit?

It’s amazing how powerful our mind is. Even though these were both just visualization exercises and you weren’t actually physically in either scenario, your body was still responding, creating an internal chain of chemical and physical reactions as though you were physically present. 

Your body doesn’t know the difference between a physical event that is actually happening and a stress that is manufactured in the mind. The same is true for physical threats and psychological stresses. So then imagine what chemical reactions your body is creating when you experience extreme stresses, traumatic events, losses, and other difficult life events. And think about what can happen physically when you continue to ruminate on these events, playing them over and over again in your mind, keeping the emotional wounds and difficult experiences open and alive without resolution. Furthermore, think about past events or traumas that may still be stuck in the subconscious/unconscious mind, playing out of tune, throwing off your inner orchestra, without you even knowing.

In addition to our own stresses, perspectives, and internal subconscious disturbances, everything that surrounds us carries energy and vibration that can throw us off balance. For more on that, feel free to revisit the previous newsletter, Soothing Sounds, which talks more about other vibrations that can cause disharmony in the body.

Maintaining Balance for Body, Mind, and Spirit

“The differentiation between the psyche, the brain, and the
body is purely academic. In reality, they are one.” 
~ Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer ~

​With this new or refreshed understanding of the domino effect your mind can create within your body, it is of utmost importance to keep the mind healthy. Practices of mindfulness, breath work, journaling, meditation, mental reframing, finding partial resolutions to longstanding conflicts, forgiveness, healthy emotional release, and learning how to downplay stressful events – rather than play into or become enveloped by them – are just a few of the many ways you can work to maintain harmony in the mind, and thus in the body. 

​But all of the mindfulness practices sometimes just aren’t enough to combat the stresses we are faced with day in and day out. So it is also important to have the right building blocks to buffer these external stresses and maintain health in the body. 

Some of these building blocks include:

  • Proper nutrition:
    I’ve written a little about this before in the newsletter on Personalized Nutrition, but below are some basic tips.
    • Get the right amounts of vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, dietary fiber, digestive enzymes, proteins, etc., in your diet.
    • Eat the way nature intended –  organic, pasture raised or free range, foods without added antibiotics, hormones, or other chemical additives, and foods that are not processed. 
    • Buy from local farmers markets or CSAs whenever possible.
    • Add good quality, bioavailable supplements where extra support is needed. 
    • If nutrition is just not your strong suit, but you would like some help, set up an initial consultation or scan with Dr. Sarica Cernohous. You can do this by calling the clinic at 928-856-0656
  • Hydration with clean water
    • Always choose spring water or filtered water, avoid drinking tap water. 
    • Drinking about 1/2 your weight in oz. ever day.
  • Movement & exercise
  • Rest
    • Rest is essential for healing. Refer to the previous newsletter Getting Enough Sleep for more details on just how important proper rest is.
  • Fresh air and deep breathing
    • The lungs are a major detox organ, but how often do you truly use them? Doing deep breathing practices that use the full capacity of the lungs, especially in fresh air, can hep to rid the body of harmful toxins.
  • Sunshine
    • That bright shiny ball of Vitamin D in the sky is so important for bolstering up your body’s immune/support system. Getting 10-20 minutes a day can make a huge difference in maintaining wellness in the body.
  • Reduce your toxic load to help your body’s natural daily detoxification system.
    • Be mindful of the ingredients in the products you use in your home and on your body. 
    • Toxic cleaning chemicals don’t just vanish after they are sprayed into the air or onto surfaces. And because they don’t disappear, we will eventually breath them in, creating unnecessary toxic load on our bodies. Switch to more natural solutions without harsh.
    • Body products: Rule of thumb is if it doesn’t sound safe to eat, don’t use it on your body. Everything you put on your body gets absorbed through the skin and sent into the bloodstream and lymphatic system. So switch from lotions with fragrances and chemicals to more natural solutions. 

​Even with taking all the right steps, its sometimes hard to know whats going on beneath the surface of these intelligent, magnificent bodies. This is why we are so excited to introduce to you the new addition of SpectraVision 2™ advanced biofeedback technology at Harmonizing Healthcare. 

How to Know if the SpectraVision™ Scan is Right for You

Would you like to…

  • Feel more empowered in your health and wellness? 
  • Start feeling better, mentally, emotionally, and physically?
  • Know what nutrients & support your body needs more of for optimal health?
  • Understand what factors are intervening with your body’s ability to properly detox, and how to better support that system?
  • Understand what supplements are most and least effective for you based on the scan results and personalized compatibility testing?
  • Become aware of subconscious loops and mental patterns that are standing in the way of your healing, so you can move beyond them?
  • Strengthen your body’s support/immune function?
  • Receive support through personalized micro-herbal tinctures, nutrition guidance, and wellness advice?

​If your answer was yes to any or all of these questions, then the scan is for you! 

If you are unsure or want some more information, continue reading below for an explanation of what it does, how it works, and why it is so beneficial. You can also scroll to the bottom of the newsletter for some of the testimonials we’ve received so far. 

Biofeedback – Let Your Body Do The Talking

SpectraVision™ is an advanced biofeedback machine that uses Bionetic technology to scan and measure your body’s stress response to thousands of different substances, through the use of their vibrational signatures. So what is Bionetic feedback technology? It is science that involves electrical impulses and non-cognitive biofeedback to open up a direct channel of communication with the body. Remember in the newsletter Soothing Sounds, where I talked about everything having a unique frequency? Well the software used in the scan has over 10,000 vibrational signatures from different substances, from a variety of different wellness categories, saved within it to allow us to do some in depth questioning, to ultimately discover what your body needs.

​While this technology is not designed to treat, cure, or diagnose any illness or disease, it does have the ability to detect the imbalances that create illness long before anything physical manifests. It is the optimal preventative maintenance tool to jumpstart your personal journey back to balance and overall wellbeing.

So how does it work?  

The scan works the same way a lie detector test does, by mapping your galvanic skin response to a series of “questions.” But instead of us asking you questions about where you’ve been, what you’ve done, and who you know, the Bionetic feedback software sends 144 “questions” (vibratory signatures of substances), every 2 seconds, through your body via very low level electrical impulses. It then measures and records your body’s stress response to every item, giving us a prioritized breakdown of what your body is needing the most help with. The stress responses found give us an indication of where energy may be “stuck” or weakened in the body, and through TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), GNM (German New Medicine), and other energy healing principles, we are able to create deeper awareness of what your mind and body need to move through those blockages and step into a greater space of balance. The best part about it is that your body is telling us all the answers. So it goes beyond practitioner opinion or potential bias of what’s in your best interest, and lays out a map to show exactly what the body, mind, and spirit need in order to return to inner harmony.

For more information about galvanic skin response testing, how it works, and why it is so accurate, check out this article: Galvanic Skin Response (GSR): The Complete Pocket Guide

The SpectraVision™ biofeedback scan is a completely non-invasive approach to wellness that can help you to understand the sensitivities, deficiencies, toxins, and other factors that may be prohibiting you from reaching optimal health. Through the scan, your suggested wellness protocol, and other supportive measures based on your personal results, you can finally peel back the layers of imbalance and break the energetic, emotional, and mental cycles tied to chronic pain and illness. 

Our goal through offering these scans is not to identify and suppress symptoms, as symptoms are your body’s way of informing you about imbalances and communicating a need for change. But rather, our goal is to dive deeper to find the root of the problem, in hopes to unwind and release the patterns that create the symptom or sickness in the first place. 

​We believe in your body’s innate ability to heal. Sometimes all you need is a little direction, awareness, and the right support, to allow the inner healing to take place. So if you are interested in opening up that channel of communication with your body to better understand where to start and what support is needed, then give us a call at 928-856-0656 to schedule your initial SpectraVision™ scan. 

New Service: Facial Acupuncture ​

Another way to create more balance in the body is through self care. Which brings me to introducing another new and exciting service: Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture.

​Facial acupuncture is a safe and effective treatment, based on the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine, that will help you look and feel younger, improve your overall health, and get that radiant glow you deserve! The treatment uses extra fine acupuncture needles, delicate glass cupping, jade rolling, guasha, and gentle massage help increase blood circulation, skin oxygenation, and cellular renewal of your beautiful face.

So what are some of the benefits you ask? 

Facial Rejuvination Acupuncure…

  • Reduces the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and signs of aging
  • Decreases puffiness, redness, and discoloration
  • Diminishes dark under-eye circles
  • Improves muscle tone to lift and tighten
  • Relieves facial stress and tension
  • Encourages your skin’s own repair mechanisms to stimulate cell re-growth
  • Increases the production of collagen and elastin 

This unique service links inner physical balance with outer beauty and radiance. So come rediscover more radiant, relaxed, youthful, and glowing skin by calling to schedule your first Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture appointment at Harmonizing Healthcare. 

Thank you as always for joining us for our monthly newsletter. 
​We feel blessed to be a part of your journey to wellness

To book your first SpectraVision™ scan or Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture appointment, give us a call at (928)856-0656. 

We are also excited to announce we are yet again helping our with the Toys for Tots drive. So if you have any toys to donate to make the holidays brighter for some special kids, bring them into the clinic. 

We have a box just inside the front door for you to drop them off in during your next visit.

Wishing you all a very happy Thanksgiving! 

With gratitude,
The Harmonizing Healthcare team